Tuesday 20 November 2012

Kids - Mother & Father disputes???

Just reading a friends status and she is having problems with her kids father.

She has been battling court to get full custody of them for 3 years now and she has finally won but now he wants to move to the same city she is living in to be closer to the kids (she is helping him out with this by looking for cheap rentals and any jobs going). I know this doesn't sound wrong but if it were her doing the same thing he would have no part of it and she would be left to be in suffering and heartache alone and in a completely different city.

Is she in the wrong for trying to involve the father in her childrens life? even after he has put her through nothing but emotional and stressful states of mind?

Or is she doing the right thing by her children by giving him a choice to better himself and prove to her and the kids he can be a mature adult and look after his girls?

Mind you he has been brainwashing the eldest girl by stating to her that she has to move and change schools, leave her family and friends behind and this is causing her to retain his attitude toward life, which in my opinion is so very very wrong to state to a child so young.

What are your thought on this matter? Do you have kids? What would you do if you were in her shoes?
How would you resolve this?

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