Tuesday 20 November 2012

My first blog :)

There comes a time in your life when you lay in bed and think of what you want to be or what you think you should be doing with your life. For me it was always a nurse or looking after children (whom i adore) but there was never once a time when i thought i would be writing to millions on people on the internet and telling them how i felt or what i was feeling at the time of a certain life changing event.

People these days seem to take way to much for granted, what happened to the old times when technology used to only exist if you needed a lift or were in trouble? Why are there so many people world wide (including myself) who rely so badly on technology, like mobile phones, internet and television? What happened to the times where playing outside till late at night was actually safe because there were no murderers out hunting people or robbers with guns.

Are we forever trapped in a world where the bad guys rule?
Where they get away with murder and we are the ones who have to suffer?

It's all so wrong and why? Why has it all changed? Is it because a world of crime seems to get people further in life than a world of pain and working 12 hour shifts just to provide a meal for a family?

I just don't understand why nothing is being done when people get robbed or stabbed or taken hostage and are scarred for life, there has to be something that can be done so this all has a dramatic effect put on it? or even stopped completely?

If you had the chance to change the world! Where would you start?

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